Year | Tree Number | Botanical Name | Afrikaanse Naam | English Name |
2000 | 215 | Peltophorum africanum | Huilboom | African wattle |
2001 | 365 | Loxostylis alata | Teerhout | Tarwood |
2002 | 139 | Pittosporum viridiflorum | Kasuur | Cheesewood |
2003 | 380 | Rhus chirendensis | Bostaaibos | Red currant |
2004 | 267 | Kirkia acuminata | Witsering | White seringa |
2004 | 269 | Kirkia wilmsii | Bergsering | Mountain seringa |
2005 | 566 | Schefflera umbellifera | Basterkiepersol | False cabbage |
2006 | 688 | Burchellia bubalina | Wildegranaat | Wild pomegranate |
2007 | 392 | Rhus pyroides | Gewone Taaibos | Common wild currant |
2008 | 361 | Harpephyllum caffrum | Wildepruim | Wild plum |
2009 | 166 | Acacia galpinii | Apiesdoring | Monkey thorn |
2010 | 189 | Acacia xanthophloea | Koorsboom | Fever tree |
2011 | 433 | Pappea capensis | Doppruim | Jacket-plum |
2012 | 555 | Syzygium cordatum | Waterbessie | Water berry |
2013 | 221 | Virgilia oroboides | Keurboom | Blossom tree |
2014 | – | Genus Heteropyxis | Lavender trees | Laventelbome |
2015 | 540 | Combretum krausii | Bosvaderlandswilg | Forest bushwilow |
2016 | 48 | Ficus thonningii | Gewone wildevy | Common wild fig |
2017 | 447.1 | Ziziphus mucronata | Harige blinkblaar wag-n-bietjie | Hairy buffalo-thorn |
2018 | – | Genus Podocarpus | Geelhoutbome | Yellowwoods |
2019 | 360 | Sclerocarya birrea | Maroela | Marula |
2020 | 298 | Ekebergia capensis | Essenhout | Cape ash |
Get In Touch
+27 (82) 200 7599
98 River Road, Lyttelton, Centurion, 0157
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