The Highveld is an extensive high-lying grassland, covering much of Southern Africa. The Drakensberg Mountains form the boundary in the south and east, while the western and northern boundaries are formed by lower rainfall areas, rather than a physical boundary. About half of the Highveld lies above 1600 meters. (Sappi Tree Spotting; 2002)
Certain trees grow and evolve in accordance with the soil it is planted in. In different areas of the world, one will find different trees and nature patterns, often times unique to that area. As in any other region, there are a number of trees in the Highveld which greet you with their distinctiveness. Whether by their distinctive flowers, fruit and pods or bark and leaves, there are many, easy ways to spot these beautiful indigenous trees.
Trees with Distinctive Bark
- The common Spike-thorn
- The Cork-bush
- The Ouhout
- The Mountain Hard-pear & the Jacket Plum
Trees with Distinctive flowers
- The Cape Chestnut
- The Silver Protea
- The Brittlewood Nuxia
- The Crossberry Raisin
- The Peeling-bark Parsley (just to name a few!)
Trees with Distinctive leaves
- The Velvet Wild-medlar
- The Mountain Silver Oak
- The Tree Fuchsia
- The Stamvrug
Trees with Distinctive Fruit and Pods
- The Wild-peace
- The Forest Num Num
- The Mountain Hard-pear
- The Velvet Raison
- The Puzzle Bush

Get In Touch
+27 (82) 200 7599
98 River Road, Lyttelton, Centurion, 0157
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