Our core service at Treetags is the supply of a comprehensive variety of durable tree name tags (tree tags), descriptive creature tags and story tags. If you don’t find what you need, we can also supply custom tags and labels.
We also offer many tree-related services and you can read more about them here.
Our Products
At Treetags we love trees, which is why our range of products include tree identification, tree tagging, books about trees and advice on any tree topics.
Treetags can also advise you on the selection of the correct trees to plant and Treetags can also advise you on the selection of the correct trees to plant and suggest or introduce you to nurseries that can supply them to you.
Tree tags
We supply anodized aluminium or plastic tags. Only the plastic tags can be supplied with rounded corners. The tree name plates are pre-drilled with a green background.
Mature trees
As tree specialists with many years of experience, we can offer advice on what will work and grow in your area.
Books about trees
The Tree Spotting series by Sappi is the perfect field guide to assist you in identifying trees. It is also a fantastic source of information on trees in general.
Unfortunately these books are out of print at the moment.

Get In Touch
+27 (82) 200 7599
98 River Road, Lyttelton, Centurion, 0157
Let's TAG your trees together
… and get to know your favourite indigenous tree, its botanical name, common name in English, Afrikaans and the local African language, age...